Syntax10.Scn.Fnt StampElems Alloc 22 Aug 95 InfoElems Alloc Syntax10.Scn.Fnt StampElems Alloc 22 Aug 95 "Title": Run time debugger "Author": mah "Abstract": command module "Keywords": "Version": "From": 25.10.94 16:53:38 "Until": "Changes": ParcElems Alloc Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt FoldElems Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt mod: Modules.Module; (* current module *) pc: LONGINT; (* current pc *) END; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt END; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt pos: LONGINT; (* new position in text of PC *) name: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; (* name of file of module *) done: BOOLEAN; (* TRUE -> pc somewhere set *) END; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt base: LONGINT; syms: RTDC.Sym; regs: Sys.ExceptionInfo; modName: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; END; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR win: ARRAY 3 OF CHAR; level: INTEGER; BEGIN level := 1; Texts.Read (s, win[0]); Texts.Read (s, win[1]); win[2] := 0X; REPEAT IF win = "(*" THEN INC (level) ELSIF win = "*)" THEN DEC (level) END; win[0] := win[1]; Texts.Read (s, win[1]) UNTIL level = 0 END SkipComment; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR found : BOOLEAN; BEGIN REPEAT Texts.Scan (s); found := TRUE; WHILE (s.class=Texts.Char) & (s.c=CHR (28)) DO found := FALSE; Texts.Scan (s) END; (* skip text elements *) IF (s.class=Texts.Char) & (s.c='(') THEN Texts.Scan (s); IF (s.class=Texts.Char) & (s.c='*') THEN found := FALSE; SkipComment (s) ELSE RETURN END END UNTIL found; END Token; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR s: Texts.Scanner; set: SET; a: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; BEGIN Texts.OpenScanner (s, t, pos); REPEAT Token (s) UNTIL (s.class#Texts.Char) OR (s.c#';'); IF s.class # Texts.Name THEN RETURN END; IF ((s.s = "END") OR (s.s = "ELSE") OR (s.s = "ELSIF")) THEN pos := Texts.Pos (s)-1 END END NextToken; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR p: TextFrames.Parc; beg: LONGINT; BEGIN IF f = NIL THEN IF fnt = NIL THEN dsr := 0 ELSE dsr := - fnt.minY END ELSE TextFrames.ParcBefore(f(TextFrames.Frame).text, pos, p, beg); dsr := SHORT(p.dsr DIV TextFrames.Unit) END GetDsr; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR end, delta: LONGINT; BEGIN delta := 200; LOOP end := TextFrames.Pos(f, f.X + f.W, f.Y); IF ( <= pos) & (pos < end) OR ( = end) THEN EXIT END; TextFrames.Show (f, pos - delta); DEC(delta, 20) END Show; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR dsr: INTEGER; new: PCElem; BEGIN WITH e: PCElem DO WITH msg : TextFrames.DisplayMsg DO IF ~ msg.prepare THEN GetDsr (msg.frame, msg.pos, msg.fnt, dsr); Display.CopyPattern(Display.white, iconPC, msg.X0, msg.Y0 + dsr, Display.paint) END | msg : Texts.CopyMsg DO NEW (new); Texts.CopyElem (e, new); msg.e := new ELSE END END PCElemHandle; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR dsr: INTEGER; new: BPElem; BEGIN WITH e: BPElem DO WITH msg : TextFrames.DisplayMsg DO IF ~ msg.prepare THEN GetDsr (msg.frame, msg.pos, msg.fnt, dsr); Display.CopyPattern(Display.white, iconBP, msg.X0, msg.Y0 + dsr, Display.paint) END | msg : Texts.CopyMsg DO NEW (new); Texts.CopyElem(e, new); msg.e := new ELSE END END BPElemHandle; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR new: PCElem; BEGIN NEW (new); new.handle := PCElemHandle; new.W := 13 * TextFrames.Unit; new.H := 9 * TextFrames.Unit; new.mod := mod; new.pc := pc; RETURN new END AllocPCElem; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR text: Texts.Text; beg, end, time: LONGINT; BEGIN Texts.OpenScanner(s, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Scan (s); IF ((s.class = Texts.Char) & (s.c = "^")) OR (Oberon.Par.frame = Oberon.Par.vwr.dsc) THEN Oberon.GetSelection(text, beg, end, time); IF time >= 0 THEN Texts.OpenScanner(s, text, beg); Texts.Scan(s) END; Oberon.Par.text := text; Oberon.Par.pos := Texts.Pos (s) ELSE Oberon.Par.pos := Texts.Pos (s) END END GetArg; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR v: Viewers.Viewer; s: Texts.Scanner; r: Texts.Reader; pos, startPos: LONGINT; newpc: PCElem; i: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH f: TextFrames.Frame DO WITH msg: SetPCMsg DO startPos := msg.pos; pos := startPos; Texts.OpenReader (r, f.text, 0); Texts.ReadElem(r); WHILE ~ r.eot & ~ (r.elem IS PCElem) DO IF r.elem IS BPElem THEN INC (msg.pos) END; Texts.ReadElem (r) END; IF ~ r.eot THEN pos := Texts.ElemPos (r.elem); Texts.Delete (f.text, pos, pos+1) END; v := Viewers.This (f.X, f.Y); Texts.OpenScanner(s, v.dsc(TextFrames.Frame).text, 0); Texts.Scan(s); IF ( = s.s) & (startPos >= 0) THEN newpc := AllocPCElem (Modules.ThisMod (, RTDT.PC ()); Texts.WriteElem (w, newpc); NextToken (f.text, msg.pos); Texts.Insert (f.text, msg.pos, w.buf); Show (f, msg.pos + 1); lastPos := pos; lastBeginPC := RTDT.procs.beginPC; msg.done := TRUE END | msg: RTDB.GetBPMsg DO Texts.OpenReader (r, f.text, 0); Texts.ReadElem (r); WHILE ~ r.eot DO IF r.elem IS BPElem THEN v := Viewers.This (f.X, f.Y); Texts.OpenScanner(s, v.dsc(TextFrames.Frame).text, 0); Texts.Scan(s); i := 0; WHILE (s.s[i] # 0X) & (s.s[i] # '.') DO INC (i) END; s.s[i] := 0X; IF ~ RTDB.BreakAtPC (s.s, Texts.ElemPos (r.elem)) THEN Texts.WriteString (w, s.s); Texts.WriteString (w, ": Illegal breakpoint pos "); Texts.WriteInt (w, Texts.ElemPos (r.elem), 0); Texts.WriteLn (w); Texts.Append (Oberon.Log, w.buf) END END; Texts.ReadElem (r) END ELSE PrevFrameHandle (f, msg) END END FrameHandle; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt VAR msg: SetPCMsg; x, y, i: INTEGER; v: Viewers.Viewer; f, f2: TextFrames.Frame; t: Texts.Text; pc: LONGINT; BEGIN pc := RTDT.PC (); RTDB.PCToPos (pc,, msg.pos); IF ~RTDT.Debugging () THEN msg.pos := -1 END; i := 0; WHILE[i] # 0X DO INC (i) END;[i] := '.';[i+1] := 'M';[i+2] := 'o';[i+3] := 'd';[i+4] := CHR(0); msg.done := FALSE; Viewers.Broadcast (msg); IF ~msg.done & RTDT.Debugging () THEN (* text not shown -> open a new one *) Oberon.AllocateUserViewer (0, x, y); t := TextFrames.Text (; FoldElems.ExpandAll (t, 0, TRUE); v := MenuViewers.New (TextFrames.NewMenu (, "^Edit.Menu.Text"), TextFrames.NewText (t, msg.pos-100), TextFrames.menuH, x, y); v.handle (v, msg); END PCHandler; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR msg: SetPCMsg; BEGIN msg.pos := -1; Viewers.Broadcast (msg) END PCOffHandler; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR t: Text; BEGIN NEW (t); Texts.Open (t, ""); t.notify := TextFrames.NotifyDisplay; t.base := base; t.syms := syms; t.regs := regs; COPY (modName, t.modName); RETURN t END NewText; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR msg: UpdateDataMsg; BEGIN Viewers.Broadcast (msg) END DataHandler; Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR dummy: ARRAY RTDT.StackSize OF LONGINT; BEGIN IF RTDT.Debugging () THEN RTDB.StepAll; HALT (RTDT.EnterDebugMode) END END StepInto; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR dummy: ARRAY RTDT.StackSize OF LONGINT; BEGIN IF RTDT.Debugging () THEN RTDB.StepOverAll; HALT (RTDT.EnterDebugMode) END END Step; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR dummy: ARRAY RTDT.StackSize OF LONGINT; BEGIN IF RTDT.Debugging () THEN RTDT.PopProc; RTDB.StepOverAll; HALT (RTDT.EnterDebugMode) END END Return; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR dummy: ARRAY RTDT.StackSize OF LONGINT; BEGIN IF RTDT.Debugging () THEN RTDB.BreakAll; HALT (RTDT.EnterDebugMode) END END Run; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt BEGIN RTDT.Install END PostMortem; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR m: RTDB.ModuleInfo; BEGIN m := RTDB.modules; WHILE m # NIL DO Texts.WriteString (w,; Texts.WriteLn (w); m := END; Texts.Append (Oberon.Log, w.buf) END ShowModules; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR v: Viewers.Viewer; x, y: INTEGER; p: RTDT.Proc; t: Texts.Text; BEGIN p := RTDT.procs; WHILE p # NIL DO Texts.WriteString (w, p.modName); Texts.Write (w, '.'); Texts.WriteString (w,; Texts.WriteLn (w); p := p.up END; t := TextFrames.Text (""); Texts.Append (t, w.buf); Oberon.AllocateSystemViewer (0, x, y); v := MenuViewers.New ( TextFrames.NewMenu ("RTD.Stack", "System.Close RTD.Data RTD.Source "), TextFrames.NewText (t, 0), TextFrames.menuH, x, y) END Stack; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt proc: RTDT.Proc; i, off, x, y: INTEGER; name, modName, procName: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; s: Texts.Scanner; pos: LONGINT; t: Texts.Text; v: Viewers.Viewer; BEGIN GetArg (s); IF s.class # Texts.Name THEN RETURN END; COPY (s.s, name); i := 0; WHILE (name[i] # '.') & (name[i] # CHR (0)) DO modName[i] := name[i]; INC (i) END; modName[i] := CHR (0); IF name[i] = '.' THEN off:=0; INC (i); WHILE name[i+off] # CHR (0) DO procName[off] := name[i + off]; INC (off) END; procName[off] := CHR (0); proc := RTDT.procs; WHILE (proc # NIL) & (( # procName) OR (proc.modName # modName)) DO proc := proc.up END; IF proc # NIL THEN RTDB.PCToPos (proc.pc, name, pos); i := 0; WHILE modName[i] # 0X DO INC (i) END; modName[i] := '.'; modName[i+1] := 'M'; modName[i+2] := 'o'; modName[i+3] := 'd'; modName[i+4] := CHR(0); Oberon.AllocateUserViewer (0, x, y); t := TextFrames.Text (modName); FoldElems.ExpandAll (t, 0, TRUE); v := MenuViewers.New (TextFrames.NewMenu (modName, "^Edit.Menu.Text"), TextFrames.NewText (t, pos-100), TextFrames.menuH, x, y); TextFrames.SetCaret (, pos) END END Source; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR e: BPElem; m: TextFrames.InsertElemMsg; f: Display.Frame; h: Display.Handler; BEGIN NEW (e); m.e := e; e.W := 13 * TextFrames.Unit; e.H := 9 * TextFrames.Unit; e.handle := BPElemHandle; Oberon.FocusViewer.handle(Oberon.FocusViewer, m) END Breakpoint; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt i, off, x, y: INTEGER; name, modName, procName: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; s: Texts.Scanner; mod: Modules.Module; v: Viewers.Viewer; f: TextFrames.Frame; syms: RTDC.Sym; proc: RTDT.Proc; t: Text; BEGIN GetArg (s); IF s.class # Texts.Name THEN RETURN END; COPY (s.s, name); i := 0; WHILE (name[i] # '.') & (name[i] # CHR (0)) DO modName[i] := name[i]; INC (i) END; modName[i] := CHR (0); IF name[i]#'.' THEN RTDC.Symbols (modName, syms); IF syms = NIL THEN Texts.WriteString (w, modName); Texts.WriteString (w, " not compilable"); Texts.WriteLn (w); Texts.Append (Oberon.Log, w.buf); RETURN END; mod := Modules.ThisMod (modName); RTDD.GetScope (w, NIL, syms, mod.SB, 0); t := NewText (syms, mod.SB, NIL, modName) ELSE (* procedure *) off:=0; INC (i); WHILE name[i+off] # CHR (0) DO procName[off] := name[i + off]; INC (off) END; procName[off] := CHR (0); proc := RTDT.procs; WHILE (proc # NIL) & (( # procName) OR (proc.modName # modName)) DO proc := proc.up END; IF proc = NIL THEN Texts.WriteString (w, name); Texts.WriteString (w, " not on stack"); Texts.WriteLn (w); Texts.Append (Oberon.Log, w.buf); RETURN END; syms := RTDC.FindProc (proc); RTDD.GetLocalScope (w, NIL, syms, proc.regs, 0); t := NewText (syms, 0, proc.regs, modName) END; Oberon.AllocateUserViewer (0, x, y); f := TextFrames.NewText (t, 0); Texts.Append (f.text, w.buf); v := MenuViewers.New (TextFrames.NewMenu (name, "^Edit.Menu.Text"), f, TextFrames.menuH, x, y) END Data; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt VAR line: ARRAY 10 OF SET; BEGIN line[1] := {3..9}; line[2] := {1..11}; line[3] := {0, 1, 3..7, 11, 12}; line[4] := {0, 1, 3..6, 8..12}; line[5] := {0, 1, 5, 6, 8..12}; line[6] := {0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 8..12}; line[7] := {0, 1, 5..7, 11, 12}; line[8] := {1..11}; line[9] := {3..9}; iconPC := Display.NewPattern(line, 13, 9); line[1] := {3..9}; line[2] := {1..11}; line[3] := {0, 1, 5, 6, 8..12}; line[4] := {0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 8..12}; line[5] := {0, 1, 5, 6, 10..12}; line[6] := {0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12}; line[7] := {0, 1, 5, 6, 10..12}; line[8] := {1..11}; line[9] := {3..9}; iconBP := Display.NewPattern(line, 13, 9); END InitIcon; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Texts.OpenWriter (w); InitIcon; RTDT.debugQ.Add (PCHandler); RTDT.debugQ.Add (DataHandler); RTDT.startQ.Add (PCOffHandler); HandlerElems.ResetHandlers; (****************** only temporary *******) HandlerElems.SetHandler ("PC control", FrameHandle, PrevFrameHandle); HandlerElems.SetHandler ("Data control", DataHandle, PrevDataHandle); Texts.WriteString (w, "Debugger mah 11.4.95"); Texts.WriteLn (w); Texts.Append (Oberon.Log, w.buf) Syntax10.Scn.Fnt name: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; i, j: INTEGER; mod: Modules.Module; cmd: Modules.Command; s: Texts.Scanner; sb, pc: LONGINT; BEGIN IF ~RTDT.Debugging () THEN GetArg (s); IF s.class = Texts.Name THEN COPY (s.s, name); i := 0; j := 0; WHILE name[j] # 0X DO IF name[j] = "." THEN i := j END; INC(j) END; IF i > 0 THEN name[i] := 0X; mod := Modules.ThisMod (name); IF mod # NIL THEN INC (i); j := i; WHILE name[j] # 0X DO name[j-i] := name[j]; INC (j) END; name[j-i] := 0X; cmd := Modules.ThisCommand (mod, name); IF cmd # NIL THEN SYS.GET (SYS.ADR (cmd), pc); SYS.GET (SYS.ADR (cmd)+4, sb); lastpos := 0; RTDT.Install; RTDT.Prepare (pc, sb); RTDB.StepAll; HALT (RTDT.EnterDebugMode) ELSE Texts.WriteString (w, "Command not found: "); Texts.WriteString (w, name); Texts.WriteLn (w); Texts.Append (Oberon.Log, w.buf) END ELSE Texts.WriteString (w, "Module not found: "); Texts.WriteString (w, name); Texts.WriteLn (w); Texts.Append (Oberon.Log, w.buf) END END END END Start; Syntax10.Scn.Fnt BEGIN IF RTDT.Debugging () THEN RTDB.RestoreAll; RTDT.Stop; RTDC.Release END END Stop; MODULE Debug; (* Run time debugger: Commands; mah 25.10.94 ( IMPORT RTDB, RTDT, RTDC, RTDD, Modules, Texts, Oberon, SYS := SYSTEM, Sys, HandlerElems, Viewers, MenuViewers, TextFrames, Display, Fonts, FoldElems, System, CONST InfoMenu = "System.Close System.Grow RTD.Data"; (* system track *) PCElem = POINTER TO PCElemDesc; BPElem = POINTER TO BPElemDesc; PCElemDesc = RECORD (Texts.ElemDesc) BPElemDesc = RECORD (Texts.ElemDesc) SetPCMsg = RECORD (Display.FrameMsg) UpdateDataMsg = RECORD (Display.FrameMsg) END; Text = POINTER TO TextDesc; TextDesc = RECORD (Texts.TextDesc) w: Texts.Writer; iconPC, iconBP: Display.Pattern; (* x = 0, y = -curfnt.minY, w = 13, h = 9 *) lastPos: LONGINT; (* latest text position of PC *) lastBeginPC: LONGINT; (* start PC of latest procedure on stack *) PrevFrameHandle, PrevDataHandle: Display.Handler; PROCEDURE SkipComment (VAR s: Texts.Scanner); PROCEDURE Token (VAR s: Texts.Scanner); PROCEDURE NextToken (t: Texts.Text; VAR pos: LONGINT); PROCEDURE GetDsr (f: Display.Frame; pos: LONGINT; fnt: Fonts.Font; VAR dsr: INTEGER); PROCEDURE Show (f: TextFrames.Frame; pos: LONGINT); PROCEDURE PCElemHandle (e: Texts.Elem; VAR msg: Texts.ElemMsg); PROCEDURE BPElemHandle (e: Texts.Elem; VAR msg: Texts.ElemMsg); PROCEDURE AllocPCElem (mod: Modules.Module; pc: LONGINT) : PCElem; PROCEDURE GetArg (VAR s: Texts.Scanner); PROCEDURE FrameHandle (f: Display.Frame; VAR msg: Display.FrameMsg); PROCEDURE DataHandle (f: Display.Frame; VAR msg: Display.FrameMsg); VAR t: Text; mod: Modules.Module; ok: BOOLEAN; p: RTDT.Proc; org: LONGINT; BEGIN WITH f: TextFrames.Frame DO WITH msg: UpdateDataMsg DO IF f.text IS Text THEN t := f.text(Text); IF t.regs = NIL THEN (* global scope *) mod := Modules.ThisMod (t.modName); IF mod # NIL THEN t.base := mod.SB; RTDD.GetScope (w, t, t.syms, t.base, 0) ELSE Texts.WriteString (w, "Module not loadable") END ELSE (* local scope *) p := RTDT.procs; WHILE (p # NIL) & (p.regs # t.regs) DO p := p.up END; IF p # NIL THEN RTDD.GetLocalScope (w, t, t.syms, t.regs, 0) ELSE Texts.WriteString (w, "Old View") END END; org :=; Texts.Delete (t, 0, t.len); Texts.Append (t, w.buf); TextFrames.Show (f, org) ELSE PrevDataHandle (f, msg) END ELSE PrevDataHandle (f, msg) END END DataHandle; PROCEDURE PCHandler; PROCEDURE PCOffHandler; PROCEDURE NewText (syms: RTDC.Sym; base: LONGINT; regs: Sys.ExceptionInfo; VAR modName: ARRAY OF CHAR) : Text; PROCEDURE DataHandler; PROCEDURE StepInto*; PROCEDURE Step*; PROCEDURE Return*; PROCEDURE Run*; PROCEDURE PostMortem*; PROCEDURE Close*; BEGIN lastPos := 0; lastBeginPC := 0; RTDB.CleanUp; RTDT.Stop END Close; PROCEDURE Trace*; VAR s: Texts.Scanner; BEGIN IF RTDT.Debugging () OR RTDT.Launching () THEN Close END; GetArg (s); RTDB.AddModules (s); RTDT.Install; RTDT.Prepare; RTDB.EntryAll END Trace; PROCEDURE ShowModules*; PROCEDURE Stack*; PROCEDURE Source*; PROCEDURE Breakpoint*; PROCEDURE Data*; PROCEDURE InitIcon; BEGIN END Debug. PROCEDURE Start*; PROCEDURE Stop*;